Inventory turnover: driver for more growth and less inventory attrition

For insurers in largely saturated markets, portfolio restructuring is an opportunity to generate new growth and counteract portfolio attrition. The only problem is that reinsurance is characterized by costly, complex and time-consuming processes.

With Convista Portfolio Transfer, you can accelerate portfolio reinsurance: no manual contract creation, fast data collection, integration and transformation at the push of a button.

your advantages: The portfolio transfer platform as an enabler

The portfolio transfer platform makes it possible to transfer contract data from insurance contracts of brokers into the system of the insurer (external transfer), old tariff generations into new ones (internal transfer) or data within the scope of a mandate transfer from broker:in A to broker:in B.


Data security and quality are guaranteed, contract export is secured.


A high degree of automation and uncomplicated integration of the inventories make it possible to change coverage in just a few seconds.


Integrate data stocks at the push of a button. You can evaluate the inventories just as easily afterwards.


With portfolio transfer, you improve your digital broker support and BranchenPrimus broker loyalty

the platform: Transfer contracts at the push of a button

In wenigen einfachen Schritten können im Portfoliotransfer Inputdaten aus verschiedenen Datenformaten importiert werden. Als Teil des Importprozesses prüft die Portfoliotransfer-Plattform frei konfigurierbare Datenvalidierungen, kontextbasierte Geschäftsregeln sowie Aussteuerungslogiken und unzulässige Attributkombinationen.

Als besonderes Feature werden die Validierungen und Logiken anwenderfreundlich in einem Excel Sheet verwaltet. Nachdem die Daten importiert wurden, können Sie fehlerhafte Verträge manuell in einer Vertragsansicht korrigieren, bevor sie schließlich automatisiert per Stapelverarbeitung exportiert werden. Analog zum Importformat können Sie auch das Exportformat frei konfigurieren, z. B. als gängiges BiPRO-Format.

Automatisierte Übertragung von Versicherungspolicen mit dem Portfoliotransfer - Mitarbeiter kann sich dabei zurücklehnen

Features: Portfolio transfer features at a glance

  • Free choice of hosting (internal or in the cloud)
  • Control/maintenance of the web-based application
  • Control/administration of access authorization
  • Support for integration into the insurer’s system landscape
  • Improvement of the data quality by validations, data checks as well as by checking configurable business rules
  • Creation of or support in the creation of the data model for the data transfer
  • Provision of necessary input and output formats: .xlsx, .csv, GDV, BiPRO, etc.
Schritte der Bestandsübertragung mit dem Tool Portfoliotransfer

Podcast: Interview: Digital brokerage services as a business driver


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