Changes in the board of the ConVista Consulting AG

Oliver Kewes, the long-standing Spokesman of the Management Board and Co-CEO, is taking on a new challenge from April 1, 2021. He is stepping down from the Management Board and resigning from his duties as Co-CEO. His duties will be taken over by Martin Hinz as future CEO and Board Spokesman and Dr. Klaus Heimes as Business Unit Head and responsible for Finance & Analytics.

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Mitarbeiterbild Oliver Kewes

Long standing spokesman of the board and Co-CEO, Oliver Kewes, is taking on a new challenge. He has stepped down from the Management Board and from his duties as Co-CEO.

Martin Hinz becomes the future CEO and spokesman of the board. Dr Klaus Heimes will take over the management and responsibility for the Finance & Analytics business unit.

Oliver Kewes faces a new challenge in the recently announced joint venture between the software group SAP and the investment company Dediq. “I will be involved in the project to set up the new joint venture for the financial services industry,” he explained in an interview. The joint venture will act as a driver for innovative and cloud-based solutions in the banking and insurance sector and substantial investment. The focus is clearly on the benefits for customers.

Martin Hinz takes over as sole CEO.

“More than 20 years of passion for Convista – that speaks for itself. Oliver has played a major role in building up the company and has left a lasting mark on it. We would like to thank him for the many years of trusting and collegial cooperation.”

Martin Hinz will be supported in the future by board members Jörg Renger and Pawel Midon.

Dr. Klaus Heimes (52) will be responsible for the business unit and the advisory services for the CFO area. “Klaus is the ideal person to look after our Finance business,” said Martin Hinz. “He brings over 20 years of experience in financial services and IT consulting and knows our clients particularly well.” After many years with a large international insurance group, Heimes, who holds a doctorate in Business Administration, moved back to Convista in mid-2018 and assumed responsibility for consulting services in the Finance & Analytics area. He wants to continue the adopted strategy in the business unit with new impulses:

“We are a transformation partner with a broad IT consulting and development offering and consistently take the perspective of our customers.”

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