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Digital Treasury Project: SAP S/4HANA Migration of a central Treasury Platform of the Volkswagen Group

The Digital Treasury project comprised the migration of the Volkswagen Global Treasury Platform (GTP) from SAP ECC to S/4HANA with the modules Treasury & Risk Management, In-House Cash, Cash Management and Actual Invoicing. Cash Management was also re-implemented, Universal Ledger was introduced and FIORI Apps were used.

The system successfully went live in February 2021 after 20 months of operation. Together with Convista, Volkswagen has successfully opened a new chapter in its system landscape. The know-how gained has been sustainably anchored in the company.


In the last few years, Volkswagen has made significant progress with the implementation of SAP In-House Cash, Cash Management and Treasury & Risk Management, which is a major step towards digitization of the group-wide treasury organization. The S/4HANA migration of the Global Treasury Platform was a logical step towards a future-proof and integrated treasury system. Particularly important for the project was that the go-live would not cause any interruption to the day-to-day business. The migration and go-live had to be carried out over a single weekend.

Strategy and solution

ConVista was able to contribute to this project in particular with its expertise in treasury and its familiarity with the SAP modules. Especially in the Cash Management area, the experienced consultants were able to add decisive value for Volkswagen. The ability to manage the project in its entirety was fully convincing from conception to the implementation.

With the new possibilities under S/4HANA, further standardization and return to the SAP standard for various functions was possible. The Universal Ledger was introduced as a central aspect of the financial accounting.

In addition, the new Cash Management functions played a key role in the expansion of the Global Treasury Platform. It also required an adjustment of the interfaces to the reporting systems.

The existing functions in the areas of Treasury Management and In-House Cash Management remained unchanged but had to be checked and tested in detail as part of the changeover.

The most important aspect of the implementation was to ensure that the connection to the more than 100 systems should run unnoticed in the background. For this purpose, an IP swap was done, so that the system connections did not have to be adjusted.


The biggest success was the impressive go-live on a weekend in February. All the necessary settings were made within a few hours, which included transformations, data buildup and data-reconciliation, and the setup of new accounts and functions. Due to the changeover to S/4HANA data, especially in Cash Management and Bank Account Management had to be rebuilt completely. Through ongoing optimization processes, the challenging schedule was not only met, but the system could even be handed over significantly ahead of schedule. All of this happened 100% remotely and is impressive proof that successful project execution and go-live are possible even in particularly challenging times.



The Volkswagen Group can now benefit from all the advantages of the latest SAP S/4HANA technology and the specific treasury requirements can be implemented in the best possible way in Volkswagen’s Global Treasury Platform. In addition, operational treasury processes and functions can be further standardised and automated across the group. Future enhancements, such as more advanced payment management and the fulfilment of regulatory requirements, can also be realised with the new technology. The new Global Treasury Platform is thus the cornerstone for further digitalisation of the treasury function through the use of cloud applications, web services and mobile access, as well as the basis for real-time applications.

Why was Convista the right partner for this project?

In this project, Convista was able to convince above all with its technical expertise in treasury and its familiarity with the SAP modules. Especially in the area of cash management, the experienced consultants were able to provide the decisive added value for Volkswagen. The ability to carry out the project in its entirety, from conception to implementation, was convincing.

We are excited about the many new options for action that will be available with S/4 and the associated services. Volkswagen is thus ideally prepared to meet future market needs digitally and thus even more efficiently. The foundation for a digitalised, highly integrated real-time treasury has been laid. The distinct technical expertise and implementation competence of the ConVista consultants, combined with partnership and trusting cooperation, have contributed significantly to the success of the project.

Michael Zucknick Head of Treasury Process and System Integration Volkswagen AG

Der Volkswagen Konzern mit Sitz in Wolfsburg ist einer der führenden Automobilhersteller weltweit und der größte Autobauer Europas. Zwölf Marken aus sieben europäischen Ländern gehören zum Konzern: Volkswagen Pkw, Audi, SEAT, ŠKODA, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, Ducati, Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, Scania und MAN. Jede Marke hat ihren eigenständigen Charakter und operiert selbstständig im Markt. Dabei erstreckt sich das Angebot von Motorrädern über Kleinwagen bis hin zu Fahrzeugen der Luxusklasse. Das Angebot im Bereich Nutzfahrzeuge beginnt bei Pickups und reicht bis zu schweren Lkw und Bussen.

Die Aktivitäten des Konzernbereichs Automobile umfassen vor allem die Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen, Motoren und Fahrzeugsoftware, die Produktion und den Vertrieb von Pkw, leichten Nutzfahrzeugen, Lkw, Bussen und Motorrädern sowie das Geschäft mit Originalteilen, Großdieselmotoren, Turbomaschinen, Spezialgetrieben und Komponenten der Antriebstechnik. Das Angebot wird sukzessive durch Mobilitätslösungen ergänzt. Die Tätigkeit des Konzernbereichs Finanzdienstleistungen umfasst die Händler- und Kundenfinanzierung, das Fahrzeug-Leasing, das Direktbank- und Versicherungsgeschäft sowie das Flottenmanagement und Mobilitätsangebote.

Der Konzern betreibt in 20 Ländern Europas und in 10 Ländern Amerikas, Asiens und Afrikas 118 Fertigungsstätten. 662.600 Beschäftigte produzieren rund um den Globus Produkte, sind mitfahrzeugbezogenen Dienstleistungen befasst oder arbeiten in weiteren Geschäftsfeldern. Seine Fahrzeuge bietet der Volkswagen Konzern in 153 Ländern an.

Damit erzielte der Konzern im Jahr 2020 9,31 Mio. Auslieferungen. Der Umsatz des Konzerns belief sich im Jahr 2020 auf 222,9 Mrd. €.


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Christian über
Christian Million, Managing Partner von Convista und Verantwortlicher für den Bereich Treasury

Your contact person for Treasury

Christian Million


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