CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Your companion in change

Companies face the central challenge of adapting to withstand the increasing dynamics of the market. Processes, products and the organization must become increasingly better, more agile and more flexible in order to secure their own market position and strengthen their future viability. A key factor here is the people in the company, who must be prepared, supported and developed during the transformation processes.

As change management experts, we take a holistic view of your employees and your organization so that they can understand, accept and adapt to the necessary changes.

your advantages: Why does your project need change management?

Achieve goals in time, budget and quality

How often have you heard: “Our employees are our most important asset”? In projects, however, this valuable capital is often insufficiently taken into account. For example, employees are usually only integrated into the process through training measures shortly before go-live. The result is that employees are frustrated and the project fails to achieve its desired goals. Only 15 percent of projects that do not use change management achieve their goals in terms of time, budget and quality.*

*Prosci (2018). Best Practices in Change Management, S.124


Improve business success & result

When it comes to change, people are the common denominator for achieving the lofty goals – that’s why you need change management in your project, too. Change Management helps you to prepare, train and support the people in your company for the upcoming change in order to improve the company’s success and results.

Kollegen mit Handzeichen

With the help of our change management approach, we can…

  • … address different impacts of the project on people and teams.
  • … close the gap between requirements and results.
  • … increase the probability of project success.
  • … mitigate business critical risks.
  • … limit variability in change.
  • … increase user acceptance of the project.
  • … manage resistance to change.
Beratung in der Versicherungswirtschaft

Contact: Let us advise you individually

Your expert in change management

Patricia Pela

Our services: Our change management portfolio

We offer results-oriented on-site and virtual solutions tailored to your specific needs and business objectives.

Change Communication

For employees to support transformation processes, they must understand the need behind them. We act as an interpreter between those responsible for the transformation and the employees. Through convincing and emotional communication measures, we make the change process tangible and comprehensible for everyone involved.

Change Training

The introduction of a new digital solution will not develop its full potential if employees cannot use it. Therefore, employees and managers should be qualified for a change project. We support your transformation processes with effective workshops, coaching and training so that employees gain the necessary skills to implement the change in their everyday work.

Change & Culture Analysis

In line with your change project, we also accompany your cultural development. With the help of various analyses and surveys, we regularly gain an overview of your project and the people involved in order to be able to accompany the transformation with tailored measures.

Leading Change

We accompany you with our integrative and pragmatic project approach in managing your change project. We develop a customized change strategy and implementation plan with all stakeholders, which we regularly review and adapt.


For change, training and communication measures to have their full effect, they must speak the language of those involved and be produced to a high standard. To achieve this, we work hand in hand with our communications design team.

People in focus: Our services in the area of organizational development


Any questions? We are looking forward to your message!