SolVentos is the solution for Solvency II requirements
The solution to meet Solvency II requirements is offered by Convista’s software solution SolVentos. SolVentos automates important components and standards of Solvency II. New regulatory requirements set new standards that extend or partly replace existing reporting. In many cases, the requirements overlap.
Solvency II poses significant challenges for European insurance companies in the area of risk treatment and the preparation of risk and solvency reports. Extensive requirements for data management and the creation of integrated data landscapes by merging diverse and complex IT systems are the result.
Your advantages with SolVentos
- XBRL transmission to the supervisory authority
- Predefined QRT reports incl. ongoing updates for changes
- Reference data model in SAP BW
- Data storage ensuring auditability, operational reliability and performance
- Calculation logic according to Solvency II standard formula as per QIS5
- Flexible transfer and capture of raw data
- Monitor for management of the Solvency II reporting process
- Flexible connection to various data management systems
- Use of data for internal reporting
- Data basis for qualitative reporting
Our solution offers you a KPI tool for system-supported consolidation and for managing reporting requirements. The principle here is that individual reports do not have to be populated first and then laboriously checked for plausibility against each other, but rather the reporting requirements are consolidated in advance into a consistent data model that satisfies all reporting requirements.
Contact: Get an individual consultation
Do you also want to automate important components and standards of Solvency II with SolVentos? Then contact our expert.
Your contact person for SolVentos
Alexander Ritter

The SolVentos Pillars for Solvency II
The Solvency II requirements of Pillar 1 (Solvency Capital Requirement) and Pillar 3 (reporting obligation) are covered by SolVentos.
SolVentos – Pillar 1
- Calculation logic according to the standard model
- Formula management interface
- Consistent data model
SolVentos – Pillar 3
- Predefined quantitative reports (QRTs) incl. ongoing updates
- XBRL generation incl. validation for reporting to regulatory authorities
- Consistent data model for reporting