All impulses of the category “Finance & Compliance”

  • Custom Analytical Queries
    Custom Analytical Queries

    Published on March 31, 2023

    Custom Analytical Queries in S/4HANA

    The integration of Embedded Analytics in S/4HANA provides users with a comprehensive reporting tool to access data from different business areas in real time. To meet individual reporting and analysis requirements, the Fiori-based technology of "custom analytic queries" offers flexible…

  • Whitepaper-Digitalisierung-Treasury

    Published on September 2, 2022

    Study results: Digitalization in Treasury

    The study provides valuable insights into digitization trends and current challenges in the treasury sector.

  • Treasury-Management-System

    Published on June 30, 2022

    How to Find the Right Treasury Management System for Your Needs

    The treasury management system (TMS) market is highly competitive: we shed light on the darkness.

  • Real-Time-Treasury

    Published on May 6, 2022

    With our Real-Time Treasury approach to real-time data connectivity

    Data analytics has always been useful, but access to real-time data is becoming more relevant to many businesses.

  • Tracy-Bot

    Published on April 20, 2022

    Automated treasury assistance through digital workers

    Today's world is a collaboration between man and machine. Digitization is also increasing rapidly in corporate treasury.

  • Effizientes integriertes Nachhaltigkeitsreporting

    Published on February 25, 2022

    Efficient integrated sustainability reporting

    CSR reporting, ESG, and the EU taxonomy place new demands on companies: Build trust and transparency using SAP Sustainability Control Tower!…

  • Published on May 15, 2021

    LIBOR Replacement and the way forward

    The implications of replacing LIBOR and a step-by-step guide to a smooth transition to alternative reference rates (ARRs).

  • Published on February 16, 2021

    Authorizations in SAP made easy

    How authorization concepts for SAP systems are simple and how you can implement data protection in compliance with the GDPR.

  • Published on February 3, 2021

    The Second Payment Services Directive and its Realization

    What benefits does PSD2 enable today and how far along is implementation?…

  • Published on May 30, 2020

    SAP BCM now communicates directly with Banks

    The SAP module known by the acronym MBC enables direct communication between the SAP system and the banks.