How to Find the Right Treasury Management System for Your Needs

The treasury management system (TMS) market is highly competitive: we shed light on the darkness.

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Blog, Finance & Compliance

1 min. Reading time

There is strong competition in the Treasury Management System (TMS) market: the various systems offer different functionalities that differ significantly in implementation complexity at a cost that is hard to compare without deep knowledge of the variety of TMS systems available. Each TMS Provider claims to have the right TMS system which offers the right functional scope, is easy and quick to implement and comes at a low cost. However, there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to the right TMS.

As a consulting company we cater for different types of clients from diversified industries and sectors. Our clients regularly requestoverviews of the TMS market and TMS providers as well as TMS selection support.

We believe that the right TMS solution helps Treasuries fulfil the tasks which were set out to be achieved. This could range from setting up a truly digital real-time Treasury with straight-through-processing (STP), automated interfaces and automated dashboard to fulfilling a singular task e.g. payments execution or offering a simple and easy to use repository for Treasury data and transactions.

There is not one TMS system that fits all clients. This is why we have developed a standardized market analysis and system overview to support our clients in identifying and selecting the right TMS and/or other IT solutions fulfilling their needs.

Finding the right treasury management system

In order to visually summarise the current TMS landscape for our clients, we chose two dimensions: the functional scope offered by a TMS as well as the complexity of its implementation. Our research shows that the TMS offered in the market fall into four categories:

  • Adequate: TMS whichfocus on specific basic functionalities which are available atlow implementation complexity
  • Specialized: TMS which focus on specific specialised functionalities at low implementation complexity
  • Enhanced: TMS which offer a comprehensive range of functionalities at medium implementation complexity, depending on clients requirements
  • High-End: TMS which offer a verycomprehensive range of functionality at respectively higher implementation complexity, depending on exact scope and requirements
Treasury Management System

We help you choosing the right TMS

For further information on each TMS, beyond Treasury functionality and implementation complexity, we offer comprehensive fact sheets  consolidating publicly available information (some of which was jointly validated) together with the

Our fact sheets offer information on the following categories:

  • Target Companies
  • Solution Approach
  • Pricing
  • Data Availability
  • Interfaces
  • Implementation time
  • User Experience
  • Level of functionality

If your organization is currently searching for the right Treasury Management System to fit your individual purpose and requirements or if you would like to know more about our analysis of the TMS market offering, please contact us.

Christian über Automatisierung im Treasury mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
Christian Million, Managing Partner von Convista und Verantwortlicher für den Bereich Treasury

Any Questions?: Feel free to contact us!

Your contact person: Christian Million

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